Custom Tile Backsplash

This particular instance we had quite a bit of time in between the ordering of product and carrying out the labor for the job. The homeowners originally came to Madison Flooring and Paint just for the materials, they wanted to put in their tile on their own. After a bit of time we had been contacted to fulfil their labor order. By following our process we already knew the dimensions needed to provide an estimate.

The Product:

Maniscalco: Kaleidoscope Series -

The Product is a Ceramic Tile - it comes in multiple sizes, for this job we used a 3x6. In addition to the choices with size, color also has a vast variation of choices in this instance the homeowner choose a cream to complement their cabinets while contrasting the countertop. Although this is a glossy backsplash it really fades in to its environment and providing a good tertiary element to a kitchen/ bathroom.

Click Here To Learn More About Custom Tile Work

Before :

To set up this job our expert contractor had to rip out the existing tile, dispose of it, and then do the prep work to then design and lay the new backsplash onto the wall.

This Process with our contractors will take only a couple hours. As you can See in the photos below the tile was already completely ripped out when I had gotten there to take the photos.



The Job was completely finished before noon the day after i took the “before” Photos. Our contractor had laid the material, cleaned up, and left whatever extra material he had with the homeowner. Once I had arrived the homeowner was very happy with the work provided. Upon arriving in the kitchen I immediately noticed how well the cream blended in with the the overall aesthetic of the room. The Backsplash provides the kitchen with a “clean” look flows with the cabinets and the countertop, an overall success of a job.

As always we encourage all customers that have flooring, design, paint, or installation needs to come to our store located in Madison to get a free estimate to make your home your way. To find out more about our process please click the link at the bottom of the page. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook and Instagram for updates on jobs all around Madison that our store handles. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day.


Schluter DITRA


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